How Long Does It Take State Farm to Settle Claims in Baton Rouge, LA?

How long can it take to settle a claim with State Farm? There is no certain answer to this question that applies to every case. State Farm can take weeks, months, or even years to resolve a claim. It depends on several factors, including the individual facts of your particular claim. It is possible, however, […]

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Window Tint Laws in Louisiana

Most of the topology of Louisiana is flat lowlands. This means there isn’t much geography to block the sun when you are driving around the state. Unsurprisingly, in these circumstances, many Louisiana car owners use window tint as a way to reduce glare and prevent sunburns.  If you are considering putting tint on your windows, […]

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What Are the Top 10 Disabilities?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides short-term or long-term benefits for people with disabilities. The program has been in effect since 1956, and during the nearly seven decades since, millions have benefited from its assistance. With that in mind, one might wonder which types of disabilities are covered by SSDI and who, in turn, stands […]

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Delayed Concussion Symptoms

Concussions are medical emergencies that involve injury or impact to the brain. They often heal without long-lasting damage, but not always. While many people recover quickly, some concussions lead to serious consequences, especially when not treated promptly.  A Concussion Is a Traumatic Brain Injury Many may not realize that concussions are a form of traumatic […]

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Types of Commercial Driver’s Licenses

You likely encounter large commercial trucks daily, as these vehicles are an important part of society. It’s common to wonder how these drivers learn to operate these large vehicles and what the requirements are to drive them. Drivers who wish to operate commercial vehicles must follow strict requirements and obtain special licensing. Getting a commercial […]

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Is It Possible To Get Out of Jury Duty?

Jury duty is a fundamental aspect of the judicial system, ensuring peers from the community have a say in upholding justice. Serving on a jury isn’t only your civic duty but also an opportunity to participate actively within this pillar of democracy. However, while it’s essential and often mandatory, there are legitimate reasons that could […]

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Car Accidents Caused By Brake Checking In Louisiana

Have you ever had the driver in front of you suddenly slam on the brakes? It’s a stressful driving situation that can easily lead to a crash. If the driver did it on purpose, you’ve been brake-checked. And if the result was a car accident in Louisiana, you need to call a Louisiana car accident […]

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What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

Car accidents can be life-changing events, causing injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. If you’ve been in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you might wonder what a car accident lawyer can do for you.  After a car accident, many individuals feel devastated and unsure of their rights. Car accident laws vary from state […]

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FAQs: Car Accident Reports In Louisiana

After an auto accident in Louisiana, you must satisfy several duties. One of these duties is to notify the police of your crash and provide information to the responding officers. The officers will produce a car accident report summarizing their crash investigation. This report can provide valuable information to you and your injury lawyer as […]

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Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in Baton Rouge, LA?

Car accidents can be distressing, even if they are minor. While the initial shock and adrenaline rush can mask injuries, a lawyer can help you identify and document these injuries in order to obtain compensation.  In this blog post, we’ll shed light on the key reasons to consult a lawyer — even if the accident […]

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