Window Tint Laws in Louisiana

Most of the topology of Louisiana is flat lowlands. This means there isn’t much geography to block the sun when you are driving around the state. Unsurprisingly, in these circumstances, many Louisiana car owners use window tint as a way to reduce glare and prevent sunburns.
If you are considering putting tint on your windows, you should know the Louisiana window tinting laws first.
Why Do Louisiana Tint Laws Exist?
Window tint blocks sunlight. The more extensive the tint, the more sunlight it blocks. A window that was rated 0% VLT (visible light transmission) would allow no light into the car. That means the windows are completely opaque.
But even though windows allow some light through, if they don’t let enough light in, they will decrease visibility in unsafe ways. Louisiana tint laws attempt to prevent additional car accidents by requiring a minimum tint level for all car windows.
Legal Tint in Louisiana
The window tint laws in Louisiana are flexible. This means you can add tint pretty freely to your windows. However, there are some restrictions, particularly involving reflective levels of tint and the VLT of the front window of your car.
Front Side Window
According to Louisiana tint laws, your windows must be rated 40% VLT or higher. Thus, if the tint allows less than 40% of the visual light through, it is dangerous, and you could be ticketed, fined, and possibly even have your car towed.
Also, if you got into an accident while driving a vehicle with too much tint, that may be a factor that could result in you being found liable for the accident. In the worst-case scenario, in which someone died in the accident, this could result in a wrongful death lawsuit or a vehicular homicide charge against you.
The windshield has additional restrictions beyond the front-side windows. According to the state’s tint laws, you may not have any tint except above the AS-1 line, which is five inches from the top of the windshield.
Back Side Windows and Rear Windows
On the side windows behind the driver, you must have at least 25% VLT, and on the rear window, it must be at least 12%.
Reflection Limit
There is one more rule that applies to window tint, regardless of what window it is on. Your tint can reflect no more than 25% of the light that strikes it. This is a safety feature for other drivers. When tint reflects light, it can cause glare that makes it difficult for other drivers to drive safely.
How To Ensure You Have Legal Window Tint
If you purchase your vehicle new, ask the dealership to provide written proof of the tint rating of every window. Dealers in Louisiana typically won’t sell a vehicle with illegal tint unless they know you intend to drive it in another state where that level is legal.
However, if you didn’t buy your car new, you could replace any front windows that have tint with ones that have a tint level you know is legal. You could also take your vehicle to a local shop to confirm it is in compliance with the law. This gives you documented evidence that they are legal.
Tint Laws Protect Everyone on the Road
The purpose of window tint laws is to decrease accidents. If you can’t see out of your windows or if they create a glare hazard, you are more likely to get into an accident. Following the rules is one way to protect you and your loved ones from harm.
Contact Our Personal Injury Law Firm in Baton Rouge, LA
If you’ve been injured in an accident in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and need legal help, contact our Baton Rouge personal injury lawyers at Palmintier Law Group to schedule a free consultation today.
Palmintier Law Group
618 Main St, Baton Rouge, LA 70801, United States
(225) 344 3735